cosmetologist and an esthetician

Difference between a Cosmetologist and an Esthetician

Cosmetology is all about the study on hair, skin and nails. They mostly focus on their careers in one professional area. On the other hand, esthetics will work on complete skin care. However, an esthetician is not qualified to do certain tasks of cosmetologists. With some additional training, a cosmetologist can do the task of the esthetician and again, not in all cases.

Esthetician vs Cosmetologist Job fields

The careers of both the cosmetologist and estheticians are the same. Both have the ability to start a Salon or spa. They can come up with your own practice. They can also find their proper cruise ships or in reputed hotels. But the demand for a cosmetologist is more than an esthetician. This is because a cosmetologist can perform a lot of the work of an esthetician.

complete skin care

Cosmetologist vs Esthetician –  client base

The client base is more or less the same when you compare. It is very difficult to build a client base under the cosmetologist vs esthetician sphere. Your job will be a bit easier if at all you are qualified for any other additional services. The Great setback with a set of the client base is that you have to work in the evenings and on the weekends mostly.


A cosmetologist is a professional for Hair, Nails, skin and general beauty. But an esthetician will focus on skincare and study about its relationship with the anatomy and physiology of the skin.


Esthetician vs Cosmetologist job undertake numerous activities that are utterly different. Cosmetologists are styling professionals. They undertake activities like hair, makeup, general skin skincare and dandy skincare treatments esthetician will perform facial massage, exfoliation, body wraps, waxing and superficial chemical peels.

Who is in the medical field?

An Esthetician will work with medical professionals. They may assist them in a variety of procedures. They also work in hospitals, plastic surgery centres and dermatologist clinics. They will take care of the burn unit patients, chemotherapy patients, hair and skin challenges patients and chemical peel for acne scars.

This last difference of working in the medical field is that something an esthetician can do that a cosmetologist can’t. Cosmetologist does not get in-depth training in the field of skincare. They will not be eligible to work in the medical field. They cannot prescribe medicines and assign activities or exercises for ultimate skincare.

Both of these professions are equally rewarding. There are activities which are exclusively learned by both cosmetologist and an esthetician. However, in the area of medicine, only an esthetician can do that a cosmetologist can’t.